Wednesday, December 9, 2015

PCP-Walter Bidlake

In Philosophy class right now, we are reading a book called Point Counterpoint. Throughout the duration of this book, we have been introduced to many different types of characters, however, I have been most intrigued by the character of Walter Bidlake. The reason that i chose to talk about Walter today is because he relates to many dad's in the Manhattan Beach community. Walter is the stereotypical rich white man. Walter followed in his fathers foot steps with most of his life activities including one of the biggest ones; having an affair with Lucy Tantamount. Walter, feeling on top of the world and invincible, goes around meeting her at parties and such in order to have an affair. Another ironic aspect of Walters life is that he is very religious yet doesn't act as if he is. This reflects his philosophy to life since he is religious but is always trying to seek more than what he already has. This relates to a lot of wealthy white men I know because no matter what they have, they never seem to be truly satisfied. I don't quite sure know if it is because of jealousy or what, but people like this just never seem to be truly satisfied. "Why can't she leave me in peace." This is a quote directly from Walter from the book and is significant because it again relates to how he is confused, or at least acts as if he is. He risks his relationship to go around and have an affair with Lucy while then turning back around and saying that she is too much. This at least is what is confusing to me! I am excited to see which path Walter decides to go on throughout the rest of the book and am for sure excited to see who he becomes.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Who has shaped my life

Throughout the eighteen years I have been alive, I have met a lot of people who have shaped my life in one way or another. However, the one person who has continued to shape my life for the better, day in and day out, is my mother. She is by far the strongest, most independent woman that I have ever met. Ever since I was young, my parents have been divorced. Unlike that stereotypic MB single mom, she was fine being alone. This isn’t because she was okay being alone, but instead, she knew that us kids were her priority. She has spent every hour of my life making sure that I am happy because happiness is indeed the best gift a person could receive. Not only that, but she is able to provide us with every opportunity we need to succeed. 
All of this doesn't come free. My mom, Genette, works at her job full time and gives it her all because she realizes she must do so to help our family run smoothly. In some aspects, she is a superhuman. I could not be happier to have such an amazing woman that I can call my mother.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Socratic Seminar Topic

What separates humans from animals? Is it the fact we can walk on two legs? That we communicate with one another in English? The question “What separates a person from all other animals?” was brought up in this past Socratic Seminar and truly stumped everyone. What seemed like such a simple question turned into a half-hour long conversation in which an answer wasn’t found. For some, this answer might be redundant since we believe we are nothing like animals and are far superior. However, why do we think this? In fact, genetics show that we aren’t actually that far off from some sorts of animals.
            Here is what really stumps me… Is the reason that we believe we are nothing like other species because we are just comparing them to ourselves? What if they do have their own form of communicating with themselves? With all of this being said, humans truly are something special. The way in which we interact is nothing like any other species. We communicate for a living and truly strive only when we do so. Unlike other species, we don’t succeed in isolation. In a movie I just watched in one of my classes, it describes the true characteristic of a human being: greed. Us human beings strive to get to the top and will honestly do anything to get there. There are so many examples of this especially coming from the Wall Street. Some people on the Wall Street get so caught up in trying to reach the top that they even screw people over trying to get there. They steal money from hard working people because of all the greed present.
            So, some people ask what the difference between humans and other animals are, well, I think it isn’t the genes and such, but the way in which we act. Yes, other animals seek love along with greed, but it is far less dangerous than the way we feel it. With all of this being said, it is only an opinion. I am quite certain and excited that the future will give us a lot more information about the differences between humans and animals. I believe that we will soon learn that these other species are a lot more similar to us than we think now.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

9/21 Week Response

"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not a truth." (Marcus Aurelius, Roman leader, philosopher, Stoic). 

Coming away from something with just one fact or truth is often rare because everyone interprets things in their own, unique way. When this quote says that everything we hear is an opinion, it is saying that even if five different people were there for the same thing, not all five people took away the same exact thing as the others did. Facts are only facts when it has truthful evidence to back it up. Without evidence, everything is just an opinion because again, we all interpret things in our own ways. Going off of the second sentence, as human beings, we all have our own individual perspectives. Like what we hear is an opinion, most human beings have their own perspective on things and this is what makes the world unique. The world is so unique because each individual perceives things in their own way. If this weren’t true, our world would be full of walking robots for humans. I agree whole-heartedly with this quote, and believe that without evidence, everything is just what we, as individuals perceive.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

My Plan

Most lives are lived with the thought of what is to come. I believe that this is the reason there is so much depression in the world. People go through life trying to guess what the future holds which a lot of the time leads to failure. I have been able to witness this by growing up in the “South Bay Bubble” in which outside pressure gets the best of people. I admit that I use to be a victim of the bubble in which my entire life revolved around certain outcomes and what the future holds. However, with the tragic passing of one of my best friends, Mason, I began to realize that maybe the future wasn’t as important as the present.

            My goal for the future is to try and slow down the present. I grew up with the sole purpose of becoming as rich as I could possibly become. I thought that if I did this, then all the good will have to follow. However, my parents use to always say, “If you had to choose wealth or happiness, which would you choose?” Due to my immaturity, I would answer wealth in a heartbeat because I just always thought of happiness as a subunit of wealth. As I mature, I realize that when I slow down my life and begin to smell the roses, and realize that the gift of life itself is truly priceless. Happiness is a virtue. Life is nothing short of a gift and we are so incredibly lucky to be given each and every day. Once people begin to realize that greed leads to a dead end, while respect, love, and most importantly happiness leads to a road of endless opportunities, this is when they will truly be able to enjoy the gift of life.